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NHS Scotland staff call for one-year deal as pay talks begin

NHS staff in Scotland have called for one-year above-inflation pay deal as talks begin in Edinburgh today (26th July 2024).

A survey of NHS workers by GMB Scotland reveals overwhelming support for a single-year deal and warns of industrial action if the talks do not lead to an acceptable offer.

The results of the poll of 1000 non-clinical NHS workers were announced as staff unions open pay talks with health secretary Neil Gray and Scottish Government negotiators in Edinburgh today.

Ministers have proposed a three-year framework for public sector pay deals but the GMB survey reveals 81% of NHS Scotland staff want a one-year offer.

Meanwhile 87% of members polled said they were willing to take industrial action, up to and including strikes, to ensure it is above inflation.

Last week, the UK Government signalled public sector workers, including teachers and nurses, in England and Wales, could expect an above inflation offer of 5.5% this year.

Keir Greenaway, GMB Scotland senior organiser in public services, said the survey of members in the NHS revealed their determination to secure a simple offer that fairly recognises their work.

He said: “Our members have clearly indicated their overwhelming support for a one-year offer and willingness to take industrial action to secure a fair pay rise.

“An above inflation offer is crucial to begin closing the gulf between salary rises in the public and private sector.

“That gap must be narrowed and only negotiations delivering a fair and straightforward offer to NHS Scotland staff will do that.

“The apparent readiness of the Westminster government to promptly and fairly recognise the work of public sector staff elsewhere in the UK has not gone unnoticed by our members.”

GMB Scotland’s survey of NHS staff also revealed strong support for measures to continue reducing the working week with 86% of workers supporting the move to ease pressure on staff while protecting the service and patient care.

Posted: 2nd August 2024

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