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Branch News

Contact Details

Posted: 27th February 2020

All members must ensure their details are up to date with GMB Scotland. This is important to ensure we have an organised workplace that is ready to take industrial action, should the need arise.

Changing address, job role, base location etc, must always be notified to GMB if you want to keep up to date…

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Update on FBU

Posted: 27th February 2020

Dear GMB Member,

You may be aware that the Scottish Government and Scottish Fire & Rescue Service are trying to change the role of fire-fighters to include call outs to Slips, Trips and Falls. Currently their union, the FBU, are recommending their members reject the pay deal with these strings attached.


GMB Scotland has…

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Posted: 29th October 2019

Dear Member, 

We have traditionally provided members with a small pocket diary and pens as well as other various items. The diaries according to some members are not as beneficial as they once were given the electronic systems currently available personally and in our work place. We are keen to look after the environment and in…

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Interim Branch Secretary

Posted: 11th September 2019

Robert Pollock has been elected as the Interim Branch Secretary after a vote at the last stewards meeting.

Robert’s contact details are:


Mobile: 07921 098206

We would also like to thank John Marr for all his hard work while Branch Secretary

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Ballot starts today

Posted: 14th January 2019


GMB NHS Ballot starts today.

At the end of last week we were told our reps WILL NOT be given time off to Ballot their members.

The GMB believe the Scottish Ambulance Service don’t want you to know the full facts of what the proposals will mean to…

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