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Branch News

Annual leave carry over

Posted: 28th April 2023

Dear member,Scottish Government have agreed a one off exemption that all AFC employees can carry over any unused annual leave from leave year 2022/23.This should be prioritised and taken by 30 June 2023.GMB have become aware that SAS senior management have been refusing…

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GMB Scotland in SAS: No Confidence

Posted: 5th April 2023

Dear GMB member,

GMB Scotland in SAS: No Confidence

GMB reps from across the country met together on Thursday 30 March.

They discussed the ongoing situation on national collective matters and what they are experiencing locally.

The feedback was the same from everyone, they have lost faith in management to…

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Martha’s Mammies Donation

Posted: 5th April 2023

Please click on the below link to access a thank you letter from Martha’s Mammies.  GMB@SAS recently provided a donation to this Glasgow based volunteer service which provides support to Women who have had children taken into care.  They have an emphasis on keeping women safe and stable with a focus on repair and reparative…

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Golf in Society Donation

Posted: 5th April 2023

Pictured are Maggie McKay, Coordinator of Golf in Society across Scotland and Donnie Montgomery, one of their volunteers.  GMB@SAS have just donated £200.00 to this amazing charity who help support golfers with dementia and other age related challenges.  They also provide support to their unpaid carers, by enabling them to get a break from their…

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GMB Scotland NHS Pay Ballot Result

Posted: 16th March 2023

Dear GMB MemberGMB Scotland NHS Pay Ballot ResultFollowing the close of our consultative ballot on the NHS Pay Offer for 2023/24 and after meetings with your workplace representatives this morning (Thursday 16 March) we can confirm the following result:

  • Accept 59.7 per cent
  • Reject 40.3 per…

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NHS Scotland Pay Dispute Latest

Posted: 14th January 2023

GMB agrees to accelerated negotiations on 2023-24 NHS Scotland pay in bid to resolve dispute

Following meetings held yesterday between GMB, RCN, RCM, and the Scottish Government, which produced new proposals aimed at ending the long-running pay dispute affecting Agenda for Change (AfC) staff in NHS Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS), GMB…

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Christmas message

Posted: 24th December 2022

Dear member,

On behalf of the Branch Committee of GMB@SAS, I would like to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas period.

This has been another difficult year and we have faced many challenges.  From the Pandemic, to Demand and Capacity and now the ongoing dispute over pay, it has not been a straightforward…

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NHS Scotland Pay Imposition

Posted: 24th December 2022

Dear GMB member,

GMB Scotland in NHS and SAS: Pay Imposition

GMB alongside our sister unions met with Scottish Government this morning.

At this meeting we were informed that Scottish Government intend to impose the pay offer you have already rejected.

Although this was met with approval from those unions who have narrowly accepted, we…

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